Dear Parents,
In order to increase your child’s reading and writing skills at home, “Book Card Box” will be given for homework. Skills like plot analysis, making inferences, drawing conclusions, compare and contrast, cause and effect, main idea and details, sequencing events, analyzing author’s purpose, characters and character traits, setting, problem and solution, fact and opinion, vocabulary, genre, and summarizing are important to develop as readers. Students must choose a book to read. They can read a book from home or choose to borrow one from our classroom Reading Center, returning it when finished. They must read for 20 minutes. They must write at least 5 sentences in their Reading notebooks, answering the questions from the book card box they chose. They can read the whole book or just a chapter or two, as long as it took at least 20 minutes to read independently. They must answer a new box each night. They may only repeat the box with a different book.
Thank you, The Second Grade Teachers